Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random association-Scary Cat

Association :
: Scary eye contact with sharp teeth, showing anger and warning!

Demonic Sound
: When you hear its sound, will feel tremble with fear...

Bloody Claw
: Claw with
Full of blood

Evil Black
: Most of the black cat will look more scary than other cat, they will come out in the mid-night..

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams from Kirsten Lepore on Vimeo.

I love this video!

Love this animation!

Like the rendering!

This is cute! Adorable!! Awesome!

Although the video was created 2 years ago,

but the information still so clear and also won't obsolete.

The color, the motion, without eye, nose, mouth, without features,

it still come out so humanity!

Color-Bright, Colorful (bring out in the positive way)

Motion- Cute, like a child, but thinking is mature

Interactive- from stranger to friend,with co-operate, everything can be succeed

Ending- show the adventurous and Innovation

Creative Drink - Do you dare to drink?

Do you dare to drink this ?
I dare!!!
I'm wondering is that selling in Malaysia ?
I want to try it..
This can be a special gift during friend's birthday
Can it also called as Juxtaposition?
Or Random Association?
Nothing is impossible :P
Just depend how we define it.

Juxtaposition Art

"To dare every day to be irreverent and bold.
To dare to preserve the randomness of mind which in children produces strange and wonderful new thoughts and forms.
To continually scramble the familiar and bring the old into new juxtaposition.”
-Gordon Webber

I like both pictures
Both pictures are with the smile actually
I see the smile
rather than see the Tear face
Tear face is cute...
Is just Juxtaposition
Smile and Tear face are always appear in our life
If you don't shed a tear, you never know what is smile

Retrieve from:


Bow and Violin

Bow and Violin
When they mixed together..
They can be the therapy
To make you forget everything
In such a bea
utiful moment

Violin can be independent
but she is not strong enough
Bows make her life perfect

They need each other
Just like mortar and pestle

Drawing beautiful music
Out of those four strings
Bow brought sense of beauty
accomplishment..and peace

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mortal and Pestle

This is the mortal and pestle .
I did the mind map for it during Creative Studies class.
after that use photoshop to touch up..
still ok right?!
Mortal and pestle really can represent many things..
like couple...
decoration ...
music instrument..
Wish the people who saw my mind map will like it :)