Thursday, July 15, 2010

Method of creative thinking--i.s.l.y

Yeap :P This is Me.
This is so called digital mind map.
Also is about me. is simple. but that's me :)
i Love Fashion. Music. Art. & Shooting.


Yea, i went to UrbanScapes 2010 last few weeks...
that was my first time to be there.
Every Design should go there.
And i also saw many "look" like designers were there too :P
many people selling their art works there..
There were selling fashion clothes, ark works like T-shirt design by themselves, Canvas, camera, special camera and etc..
Below there is the post card which i get from UrbanScapes,
Every post card was designed , and i like the graphic and their drawing style:)
Clap for them :>

Another things which i wanna share is the Camera!!
There are some special camera was attracted me~
Such as the Vintage LOMO cameras and fuji instax mini 7s instant camera..!!
This is the Trend now~! for the people who like shooting~!~!
DSLR already cannot fulfill those people who like shooting~~
They need something special ~~
Especially some camera, actually they are not really that special,
and it should say we are turning back~ the manual camera Era~!
such as Polaroid, film camera and bring out the lomography feel~!
Here is some Special design camera called Juice Box and Milk Box cameras from Fuuvi and it will quench the photographer's thirst for lomography~!~!
And i like the Milk box cameras design!! Love it So much!!
it only cost rm100++~~is very cheap~!~!

Another camera i wanna share is Vintage LOMO cameras and fuji instax mini 7s instant camera!!!
Below is those different design of the Vintage LOMO cameras and fuji Instax mini 7s instant camera!! I actually looking for it long time already~!~!~! and i love the White Color that one~!~!

In the end...dang dang dang dang~~~Yeah~~~I bought it.!~!~Actually is not buy from myself~!~!
is "someone" buy for me!! (wakaka)~~~

I used it to shoot for the WorldCup!!!!!!

So~ if you tell me Creative is what?! what is Creative? follow the Trend ! will be One of the Creative Stuff you have done!!

As a Conclusion, from what we learnt from the lesson..
Creativity --- The Generation of New iDeas or a New way of Doing Things.
Innovation--- The Process of Turning ideas into Practical Reality.
Novelty --- The Quality of Being New.
Invention --- Those who take Existing Knowledge and Create New ideas.
Below is how my definition of Creativity, Innovation, Novelty, and Invention.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

BMW JOY 3D: Asia's 1st Interactive 3D Building Projection

Watch the busy office buildings in Singapore being transformed from a symbol of work, into a symbol of Joy. Witness Joy coming alive at Suntec City, Towers 2 & 3.

This is the First Video I wanna share with everyone.

Yea, This is a really COOL interactive Advertisement!!

I like it! and Love it ! IS SO AWESOME!

This is one of the link that my friend was sharing at their FACEBOOK(FB).

hmm...Facebook is One of the Creative Media...( will not explore FB at this moment..)

Question is ...When our Malaysia will have this COOL Advertisement ?

Why Singapore can be so creative and their advertisement their technology is so advance?

Actually Malaysia also have a lot of Creative People, question again is, are they have the chance to show their talent?

There is so many thing outside there which we should learn from.

C R E A T I v E - LessOn 1

What is Creative?!
I'm studying in Faculty of Creative Multimedia &.......
Major in Interface Design....
lol...why?! Because i choose my favorite course---DESIGN.
For me, Design = Creative.
Creative can be anything.
Like what am i doing now, is Creative too!
Assignment with using Blogging is one of the Creative teaching style (or freestyle or even learning style)
which can be communicated between lecturer and student and even more people~
and also let everyone know what m i thinking...
I love this way to submit my assignment.
Less of Pressure, and FULL of Creative.
By the way, " Creativity is an attitude, combine with effort; 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration- Thomas Edison , " from this pass few years, i agreed with what Thomas Edison was saying. :=)
Wish my Blog journal will be creative enough for everyone.
I just don't like writing in too much words..something can be expressed in another way.
Like picture, video or song/sound, which are also the creative way to express what am i thinking :P

The following picture = Creative “Blog” Journal

P.s: Sorry for late entry in this blog..actually i had registered for this blog since week2 ...and also email to my dear lecturer with this email, but still havent get the response I just Start my Blog la~~Wish what am i do is "correct"!