Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yea, i went to UrbanScapes 2010 last few weeks...
that was my first time to be there.
Every Design should go there.
And i also saw many "look" like designers were there too :P
many people selling their art works there..
There were selling fashion clothes, ark works like T-shirt design by themselves, Canvas, camera, special camera and etc..
Below there is the post card which i get from UrbanScapes,
Every post card was designed , and i like the graphic and their drawing style:)
Clap for them :>

Another things which i wanna share is the Camera!!
There are some special camera was attracted me~
Such as the Vintage LOMO cameras and fuji instax mini 7s instant camera..!!
This is the Trend now~! for the people who like shooting~!~!
DSLR already cannot fulfill those people who like shooting~~
They need something special ~~
Especially some camera, actually they are not really that special,
and it should say we are turning back~ the manual camera Era~!
such as Polaroid, film camera and bring out the lomography feel~!
Here is some Special design camera called Juice Box and Milk Box cameras from Fuuvi and it will quench the photographer's thirst for lomography~!~!
And i like the Milk box cameras design!! Love it So much!!
it only cost rm100++~~is very cheap~!~!

Another camera i wanna share is Vintage LOMO cameras and fuji instax mini 7s instant camera!!!
Below is those different design of the Vintage LOMO cameras and fuji Instax mini 7s instant camera!! I actually looking for it long time already~!~!~! and i love the White Color that one~!~!

In the end...dang dang dang dang~~~Yeah~~~I bought it.!~!~Actually is not buy from myself~!~!
is "someone" buy for me!! (wakaka)~~~

I used it to shoot for the WorldCup!!!!!!

So~ if you tell me Creative is what?! what is Creative? follow the Trend ! will be One of the Creative Stuff you have done!!

As a Conclusion, from what we learnt from the lesson..
Creativity --- The Generation of New iDeas or a New way of Doing Things.
Innovation--- The Process of Turning ideas into Practical Reality.
Novelty --- The Quality of Being New.
Invention --- Those who take Existing Knowledge and Create New ideas.
Below is how my definition of Creativity, Innovation, Novelty, and Invention.

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